How Root Canal Retreatment Stops Discomfort

londonderry retreatment

When you undergo a root canal, and in the months to come the tooth begins to ache, this could mean the area has been reinfected. You could develop discomfort and risk losing the tooth altogether! But your Londonderry, NH, dentist talks about what to expect from the retreatment process, and how this can help keep your smile whole and healthy.

The Warning Signs of Reinfection

The tooth could develop infection again if portions of the inner pulp have remained in the root canals, or if contamination happened during the previous root canal. Over time, the reinfection means your tooth will begin to ache again. Treatment is crucial for protecting your smile from tooth loss and the spread of infection to other parts of your smile. Don’t ignore persistent pain in your too, let us know right away so we can examine your smile and see if you need endodontic treatment to protect your smile’s stability and health.

The Retreatment Process

Our team will first carefully examine your tooth with digital x-rays, so we can pinpoint the position and assess the severity of the new infection. We can then plan the treatment process in detail. We will numb the area and if you have dental anxiety or special needs, we can offer sedation to help you enter a deep state of calm, with little to no memory of the procedure afterward. Next, we will open the tooth and thoroughly clean the interior of the tooth and the root canals. We remove the remaining tissues as part of this process. We then add new materials to the interior of the tooth and again cap it with a crown, a restoration that is designed to look natural and blend with your smile seamlessly.

Protecting Your Smile

The retreatment process will safeguard your smile and stop discomfort. Moving forward, you can take actions to limit the risk of both tooth decay and infection. For example, you can brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste, and floss every evening. You can avoid tobacco products and cut back on the sugar in your diet. You can also see our team for checkups and cleanings every six months too. If you have any questions about how we conduct a retreatment for an infected tooth, or about any of our other endodontic procedures, such as root canal surgery, then contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Have An Aching Tooth?

We want to help you enjoy good oral health and avoid the risk of tooth loss due to dental infection. To schedule an appointment at My Dentist in Londonderry, NH, call 603-965-3407. We want to help you smile with comfort and confidence.