When you have missing teeth, whether due to injury, infection, or periodontal disease, then you have a gap that could cause serious issues for your smile. But our team can secure one or more dental implants to replace missing teeth. In today’s blog, your Londonderry, NH, dentist talks about how we place and restore dental […]
Dental Implants Replace Missing Teeth
When you suffer from an infection and don’t receive endodontic treatment early enough, this could lead to tooth loss and major complications for your oral health. But our team can help you enjoy a complete smile again. In today’s blog, your Londonderry, NH, dentist talks about how we place dental implants. […]
How Dental Implants Replace Missing Teeth
Whether due to injury, infection, or gum disease, tooth loss can cause serious trouble for your smile. To address the unsightly gap and also provide a solution that preserves your smile, our team can provide dental implants. In today’s blog, your Londonderry, NH, dentist talks about how we plan and place dental implants, helping you […]
Replacing A Lost Tooth With Dental Implants
When you lose a tooth to infection or periodontal disease, this gap could cause major problems with your smile. Our team wants to help address the gaps in your smile with a lifelike and durable tooth replacement. In today’s blog, your Londonderry, NH, dentist talks about replacing missing teeth with dental implants. […]