When a dental infection occurs, which can mean persistent pain in a tooth that lasts for more than a day or two, then you need treatment to avoid worsening pain or even the loss of the tooth. To provide this, we can use an endodontic treatment that addresses concerns in the interior of your tooth. […]
The Endodontic Treatments We Use To Treat Infection
When a tooth becomes infected, you could begin to experience a host of painful symptoms and over time, your tooth could require extraction or fall out. But with endodontic treatment, we can offer treatment to prevent the loss of your tooth and to stop discomfort. In today’s blog, your Londonderry, NH, dentist talks about root […]
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Replacing A Lost Tooth With Dental Implants
When you lose a tooth to infection or periodontal disease, this gap could cause major problems with your smile. Our team wants to help address the gaps in your smile with a lifelike and durable tooth replacement. In today’s blog, your Londonderry, NH, dentist talks about replacing missing teeth with dental implants. […]
How A Root Canal Prevents Tooth Loss
When a tooth sustains severe damage and traditional restoration cannot provide repair, or if a tooth has decay or infection too severe to be treated with a filling, you may instead benefit from an endodontic treatment. Root canal therapy can stop discomfort and save your tooth, and placement is compared to receiving a filling! In […]
We Can Treat Your Injured Tooth
When your tooth sustains a serious break or crack, then treatment could be critical for helping you avoid painful cavities and infections. Our team can treat these serious injuries with endodontic care, including root canal therapy. In today’s blog, your Londonderry, NH, dentist talks about taking on injured teeth. […]
How We Treat Serious Infections With Endodontics
When a tooth develops a dental infection, this could mean serious discomfort and over time, an increased risk of tooth loss. With endodontic treatment, our team can take on infection and preserve your smile’s health, infection, and beauty. In today’s blog, your Londonderry, NH, dentist talks about how we save smiles with endodontics. […]
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When Do You Need A Root Canal?
Endodontic treatment can address concerns that develop in the interior of your tooth, whether they’re caused by infection or a damaged tooth. When you sustain an injury to a tooth or experience persistent pain in one, then you may need an endodontic treatment known as a root canal. In today’s blog, your Londonderry, NH, dentist […]
Renew Your Smile After A Broken Tooth
Your smile depends on the strength of your enamel. While this is the hardest material in your body, it can still become damaged due to physical injury or decay, and at this point, you become at risk of developing an infection within your tooth. If you have recently cracked or broken one of your existing […]
The Benefits Of Root Canal Therapy
When a tooth becomes decayed, a filling brings relief and preserves the tooth. But what if your tooth instead becomes infected? Lack of care is linked to painful symptoms and even tooth loss. But with endodontic treatment, we can prevent these painful complications and preserve your smile! In today’s blog, your Londonderry, NH, dentist talks […]