How A Root Canal Preserves Your Smile

londonderry root canal

When a tooth is severely damaged or develops an infection, treatment is needed to not only stop discomfort, but avoid the risk of tooth loss. With endodontic treatment, we can offer relief and a lifelike appearance. In today’s blog, your Londonderry, NH, dentist discusses how we protect smiles with root canal therapy.

The Causes of an Infected Teeth

At the center of your tooth is a collection of living tissue known as the pulp, which keeps the tooth healthy and functional. An infection means that harmful oral bacteria have reached the pulp, causing painful symptoms and over time, the risk of tooth loss. The exposure could be due to an untreated cavity or even an injury to the tooth. As part of your treatment, we will assess the cause of your infection, so we can help you limit the risk of cavities and infected teeth down the road.

The Warning Signs and Complications

What are signs that you have an infected tooth? People may report tooth sensitivity or pain when they bite down or chew. Toothaches that don’t subside after a few days are also a symptom, along with swelling near the tooth or a discharge from. Pain in the face and jaw could occur too. When you experience discomfort, let us know right away. We want to treat the tooth before it is necessary to extract it to avoid the spread of infection. Treatment helps keep your smile whole and comfortable!

Dental Trauma

As we touched on above, you may need endodontic treatment due to an injury. A severely cracked or chipped tooth could expose these interior tissues to bacteria and allow an infection to occur. Fractures may not be able to be repaired with a crown alone, instead we may need a root canal to remove exposed tissues before we cap the tooth with a crown. When a tooth is injured, even if no damage is visible, consider an appointment in case a fracture has occurred and remained invisible to the naked eye.


If you have received root canal before and the tooth has started to hurt again, this could be due to re-infection. This could occur due to a failed root canal procedure, or the interior of the tooth being contaminated during treatment, allowing bacteria to fester and cause further pain and infection. Again, keeping your smile whole means seeing our team for treatment!

The Root Canal Procedure

We start with an exam, we can take detailed digital x-rays and CT images so we can assess the position and severity of the infection, planning the treatment in detail so we save the tooth and avoid contact with sensitive tissues and sinus cavities or bleeding vessels. We will also administer a local anesthetic to the tooth to keep you comfortable, and we can discuss sedation to help you enter a deep state of calm and relaxation as well.

When you are ready for the procedure, we will open the tooth to access the tissues and remove them from the interior of the tooth. Next, we clean the inside of the tooth and the root canals. Once we do, we can add a special filling material known as gutta percha. The last step is to cap the tooth with a crown, one that is custom-made to look natural and protect the tooth for years to come. The root canal stops discomfort and saves the tooth, so you can smile with confidence again and avoid pain when you eat or speak.

Endodontic Surgery

What if the infection occurs at the tip of the root canals? In these situations, you may need root canal surgery. Essentially, we plan the procure in detail and then numb the area and administer sedation. We open the gums near the tip of the tooth, so we remove the tip and the infected tissues. We add a medicated filling and then cap the too, suturing the gums closed over it. The area then heals and you avoid further pain or the spread of infection.

If you have any questions about how we save your smile with root canal treatment or surgery, then contact our team today to learn more about our endodontic treatment options. We want to help you enjoy your best smile and avoid discomfort, so reach out today if a tooth starts to hurt.

We Offer Custom Restorative Dental Treatment

We want to help you avoid the risk of serious pain or tooth loss with endodontic treatment. To schedule an appointment at My Dentist in Londonderry, NH, call 603-965-3407.