Typically, when a tooth develops an infection, we conduct a traditional root canal procedure to save the tooth and stop discomfort. But in some cases, depending on the location and severity of the infection, we may need to conduct an apicoectomy, or root-end resection. In today’s blog, your Londonderry, NH, dentist talks about root canal surgery, and how we can conduct the procedure comfortably to protect your smile from worsening pain and tooth loss!
The Causes and Risks of a Dental Infection
Dental infection is a serious issue, and one that requires your immediate attention. This could occur when harmful bacteria make contact with the nerve center of your tooth, the pulp. This exposure could be due to an untreated cavity or even due to an injury to your tooth. You may begin to experience tooth sensitivity and pain when you bite down or chew, as well as persistent toothaches. Other warning signs could include pain in the face or jaw, swelling near the tooth, fever, and headaches, or even a discharge from the tooth itself. Don’t ignore these potential warning signs, as an untreated infection could cause a tooth to hurt worse and eventually require extraction to protect the rest of the smile from the spread of infection. We want to help keep your smile whole with root canal treatment, including procedures like the apicoectomy.
The Apicoectomy
When we examine your smile with digital x-rays, we can identify the position of the infection. If this is located near the tips of the roots, we may need to conduct a root-end resection instead of a traditional root canal. With this option, we will apply a local anesthetic to the area of the gums near the roots, so we can open them to comfortably access the roots. We then open the tip and remove the infected tissues from within. Our team next seals the end of the root with a filling. We will also remove any calcium deposits and monitor your roots for any signs of fracture.
Most people return to their normal routines in as little as a day or two. If you have any questions about how we conduct an apicoectomy to protect your smile, or if you have pain in a tooth that needs attention, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence and enjoy relief from discomfort.
Schedule An Appointment for a Root-End Resection
Root canal surgery can help prevent tooth loss and serious discomfort in your smile, so you can maintain a full smile and optimal results. You can schedule an appointment with the team for root canal surgery at My Dentist in Londonderry, NH, today by calling 603-965-3407.